Variables and Constants in VBA | Option Explicit Use in VBA | Data Types in Excel VBA | Data type 2024

In VBA, as in any other programming language, variables and constants are used to store values. As the name suggests, variables can change, while constants store fixed values.

For example, the constant Pi stores the value 3.14159265 … The number “Pi” will not change during program execution, but it is still more convenient to store such a value as a constant.

At the same time, we can use the sVAT_Rate variable to store the VAT rate on the purchased goods. The value of the sVAT_Rate variable can change depending on what kind of product is purchased.

Data types

All variables and constants are of a specific data type. The table below lists the data types used in VBA, with a description and range of possible values:

Data typeThe sizeDescriptionRange of values
Byte1 bytePositive integers; often used for binary datafrom 0 to 255
Boolean2 bytesCan be either True or FalseTrue or False
Integer2 bytesIntegers (no fractional part)from -32 768 to +32 767
Long4 bytesLarge integers (no fractional part)from -2 147 483 648 to +2 147 483 647
Single4 bytesSingle precision floating point number-3.4e38 to + 3.4e38
Double8 bytesDouble precision floating point number-1.8e308 to + 1.8e308
Currency8 bytesFloating point number with a fixed number of decimal placesfrom -922 337 203 685 477.5808 to +922 337 203 685 477.5807
Date8 bytesDate and Time – Date data is represented by a floating point number. The integer part of this number expresses the date, and the fractional part is the timefrom 1 January 100 to 31 December 9999
Object4 bytesObject referenceAny object reference
StringchangesCharacter set. The String type can be of fixed or variable length. More often used with variable lengthFixed length – up to approximately 65,500 characters. Variable length – up to approximately 2 billion characters
VariantchangesIt can contain a date, a floating point number, or a character string. This type is used in cases where it is not known in advance what type of data will be entered.Number – Double, string – String

Obviously, using the above table and choosing the right data type, you can use memory more economically (for example, choose the Integer data type instead of Long or Single instead of Double ). However, when using more compact data types, you need to be careful that your code does not try to fit disproportionately large values ​​into them.

Declaring Variables and Constants

Translator’s Note: There is another very important point worth mentioning when talking about variables in VBA. If we declare a variable, but do not assign any value to it, then it is initialized with the default value:

  • Text strings – are initialized with empty strings;
  • Numbers – value 0;
  • Variables of type Boolean – False;
  • Dates – December 30, 1899.

Before using a variable or constant, it must be declared. To do this, add the following simple line of code to the macro:

Dim variable Name As Data_Type

In the above line of code, VariableName is the name of the variable that will be used in the code, and DataType is one of the data types from the table shown earlier in this article. For example:

Dim sVAT_Rate As Single

Dim i As Integer

Constants are declared in a similar way, but when declaring constants, their value must be immediately indicated. For example, like this:

Const iMaxCount = 5000

Const iMaxScore = 100

It is not necessary to declare variables in Excel. By default, all entered but not declared variables in Excel will be of type Variant and can accept both numeric and text values.

Thus, the programmer will be able to use the new variable at any time (even if it has not been declared), and Excel will treat it as a variable of the Variant type . However, there are several reasons why this should not be done:

  1. Memory usage and computation speed. If you do not declare a variable with an indication of the data type, then the Varianttype will be set for it by default . This data type uses more memory than other data types. It would seem that a few extra bytes per variable is not that much, but in practice, the programs you write can have thousands of variables (especially when working with arrays). Therefore, the extra memory used by Variant variables , compared to Integer or Single variables , can add up to a significant amount, and operations on Variant variables are performed much slower than with variables of other types, respectively, an extra thousand of type variables Variant can slow down computations significantly.
  2. Preventing typos in variable names. If all variables are declared, then you can use the VBA – Option Explicitstatement (which will be discussed later) to identify all undeclared variables, thus avoiding the appearance of an error in the program as a result of an incorrectly spelled variable name. For example, using a variable named sVAT_Rate in your code , you can make a typo and, assigning a value to this variable, write: “VATRate = 0.175”. It is expected that from now on, the sVAT_Rate variable should contain a value of 0.175 – but of course it doesn’t. If the mode of mandatory declaration of all used variables is enabled, then the VBA compiler will immediately indicate an error, since it will not find the VATRate variable among those announced.
  3. Highlighting values ​​that do not match the declared type of the variable.If you declare a variable of a certain type and try to assign data of a different type to it, an error will appear, without fixing which, you can get the program crashing. At first glance, this may seem like a good reason not to declare variables, but in fact, than before it turns out that one of the variables received the wrong data that it should have received – so much the better! Otherwise, if the program continues to run, the results may be incorrect and unexpected, and it will be much more difficult to find the cause of the errors. It is also possible that the macro will be “successfully” executed. As a result, the error will go unnoticed and work will continue with incorrect data!

In this regard, it is advisable to detect the wrong data type and fix such errors in the code as early as possible. For these reasons, it is recommended that you declare all variables when writing a VBA macro.

Option Explicit

The Option Explicit statement forces the declaration of all variables that will be used in the VBA code, and during compilation, it marks all undeclared variables as errors (before running the code). This statement is not difficult to apply – just write this line at the very top of the VBA file:

Option Explicit

If you want to always insert Option Explicit at the beginning of every new VBA module you create, you can do that automatically. To do this, you need to enable the Require Variable Declaration parameter in the VBA editor settings.

This is done like this:

  • From the Visual Basic Editor menu click ToolsOptions
  • In the dialog box that appears, open the Editortab
  • Check the box next to Require Variable Declarationand click OK

When enabled, the Option Explicit line will be automatically inserted at the beginning of each newly created module.

Now More About: VBA Code Formatting

Scope of variables and constants

Each declared variable or constant has its own limited scope, that is, a limited part of the program in which this variable exists. The scope depends on where the variable or constant declaration was made. Take, for example, the sVAT_Rate variable used in the Total_Cost function . The following table shows two options for the scope of the sVAT_Rate variable declared at two different positions in the module:

Option Explicit


Dim sVAT_Rate As Single


Function Total_Cost () As Double

End Function

If the sVAT_Rate variable is declared at the very beginning of the module, then the scope of this variable will be the entire module (i.e. the sVAT_Rate variable will be recognized by all procedures in this module).

Therefore, if the function Total_Cost variable sVAT_Rate will be assigned a value, the next function performed within the same module will use a variable sVAT_Rate with the same value.

However, if a function located in another module is called, then the sVAT_Rate variable will not be known for it.

Option Explicit

Function Total_Cost () As Double


Dim sVAT_Rate As Single

End Function

If the variable sVAT_Rate announced in the beginning of the function Total_Cost , then its scope will be limited to only this function (ie, within the function Total_Cost , it will be possible to use a variable sVAT_Rate , and beyond – no).

If you try to use sVAT_Rate in another procedure, the VBA compiler will report an error because this variable was not declared outside the Total_Cost function (assuming the Option Explicit statement was used ).

In the example shown above, the variable is declared at the module level using the Dim keyword . However, it is sometimes necessary that the declared variables can be used in other modules. In such cases, you must use the Public keyword instead of the Dim keyword to declare a variable .

By the way, in order to declare a variable at the module level, instead of the Dim keyword, you can use the Private keyword , which indicates that this variable is intended for use only in the current module.

You can also use the Public and Private keywords to declare constants , but not instead of the Const keyword , but together with it.

The following examples demonstrate the use of the Public and Private keywords when applied to variables and constants.

Option Explicit


Public sVAT_Rate As Single


Public Const iMax_Count = 5000

In this example, the Public keyword is used to declare the sVAT_Rate variable and the iMax_Count constant . Items declared in this way will be scoped to the entire current project.

This means that sVAT_Rate and iMax_Count will be available in any module of the project.

Option Explicit


Private sVAT_Rate As Single


Private Const iMax_Count = 5000


In this example , the keyword Private is used to declare the sVAT_Rate variable and the iMax_Count constant . The scope of these elements is the current module.

This means that sVAT_Rate and iMax_Count will be available in all procedures in the current module, but will not be available for procedures in other modules.

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